In a Brawl, you just beat the heck out of his life bar. In a One Fall Match, you must pin your opponent to win. You can also set the game for a One Fall Match with a referee, or go for a Brawl without a referee, meaning that eye gouging and choking are allowed. You can set the Royal Rumble's difficulty from one to ten, and there's a skill to nament where you literally climb the ropes to the championship belt. The Rumble's a survival-of-the-fittest competition: The last wrestler left standing wins. You can also participate in the Royal Rumble, an all-out free-for-all where all 12 wrestlers jump into the action at once. Play one player against the computer, one player against another player, a two- or three-wrestler tag team against human opponents or the computer, or a two- or three-player tag team cooperative against the computer. WWF has more wrestling options than any game to date. While you wait for him to come to his senses, pull some illegal moves, like eye-gouges.

Steer clear of the ropes if your energy is low.